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Selasa, 29 April 2008
Jumat, 25 April 2008
MySQL/PHP Database Applications
Welcome. If you are thumbing through these pages, you’re probably considering writing Web-based applications with PHP and MySQL. If you decide to go with these tools, you’ll be in excellent company. Thousands of developers from total newbies to programmers with years of experience are turning to PHP and MySQL for their Web-based projects; and for good reason. Both PHP and MySQL are easy to use, fast, free, and powerful. If you want to get a dynamic Web site up quickly, there are no better choices. The PHP scripting language was built for the Web. All the tasks common to Web development can be accomplished in PHP with an absolute minimum of effort. Similarly, MySQL excels at tasks common to dynamic Web sites. Whether you’re creating a content-management system or an e-commerce application, MySQL is a great choice for your data storage.
Senin, 21 April 2008
Pemanfaatan Driver ODBC dengan MyODBC
ODBC merupakan kependekan dari Open DataBase Connectivity, yaitu sebuah driver yang terdapat dalam computer untuk semua platform termasuk Windows. Dengan menggunakan driver ini memungkinkan setiap bahasa pemrograman dapat menggunakan berbagai database pada computer local maupun jaringan. Fungsi utama dari driver tersebut adalah membuat hubungan (jembatan) antara program aplikasi dengan database, sehingga sebuah database dapat dikoneksikan (dihubungkan) pada berbagai aplikasi pemrograman.
klik ini ajabelajar html dan php
Mengoperasikan Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis Web merupakan modal tuk maju ke kompotesi dunia pemprograman modul teori ini membahas tentang pengoperasian Bahasa Pemrograman Berbasis Web. Modul ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) kegiatan belajar. Kegiatan Belajar 1: Mengenal tag-tag HTML, membuat, membuka dan menyimpan file halaman web. Kegiatan Belajar 2: Membuat program dengan bahasa pemrograman berbasis web. Kegaiatan Belajar 3: Membuat halaman web dengan software bantu.
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Jumat, 18 April 2008
netwoking tutorial
This guide is primarily about TCP/IP network protocols and ethernet network architectures, but also
briefly describes other protocol suites, network architectures, and other significant areas of networking.
This guide is written for all audiences, even those with little or no networking experience. It explains in
simple terms the way networks are put together, and how data packages are sent between networks and
subnets along with how data is routed to the internet. This document is broken into five main areas which
are: click in